Directors and Officers Insurance

While Company Directors are meant to make decisions in the best interest of the business they run, even the most competent people can make mistakes. However, even when the intentions are good, Company Directors may still have claims brought against them and be held personally accountable for these claims. 

Who is it for? 

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance protects Company Directors and Officers of a corporation or business against legal liabilities that might arise while managing an organisation. 

People in these positions may have claims brought against them by shareholders, employees, competitors, statutory bodies or even the corporation with which they work. 

What does this insurance cover? 

A typical Directors & Officers Insurance policy will provide cover for: 

  • Representation costs where a Director or Officer is legally required to attend an investigation regarding the affairs of the corporation 
  • Legal fees and expenses to defend an investigation or claim of a Directors and or Officers claim 
  • Any compensation required to be paid by the Insured to dispose of a Directors and Officers claim 
  • This could be anything from a car, bus or train accident, and assault from another person or injury caused by falling or being hit by falling objects. 
For more information or to arrange cover for you or your business, please contact the team at CIS Group.