Commercial Property Insurance  

All commercial properties are vulnerable to potential damage, loss or theft. If your commercial property is not protected with insurance, your business could be exposed to substantial monetary and reputational damage. 

Commercial Property Insurance covers you against loss or damage done to non-residential properties. Our insurance offering can include several relevant policies that include Landlord and Strata Title Insurance, depending on your particular circumstances. 

Who is it for? 

If you own any type of commercial property, whether it be a shopping centre, a factory, a warehouse or an apartment block, it is crucial that you have Commercial Property Insurance. 

What does this insurance cover? 

Commercial Property Insurance can be part of a tailored Business Package Insurance, a Strata Title Insurance policy, a Landlords Insurance policy or an Industrial Special Risks Insurance policy. 

A typical Commercial Property Insurance policy will provide cover for: 

  • Theft 
  • Damage from floods, fire or earthquakes 
  • Rental loss 
  • Malicious and accidental damage 
  • Machinery Breakdown 
  • Personal Injury/property damage 
For more information or to arrange cover for you or your business, please contact the team at CIS Group.